Sitemap - 2024 - The Elysian

Writing Prompt: How do we create the next Renaissance?

Week 8: What communities should know about you? (Write a story about them)

No one buys books

In The Garden

Week 7: Boost your essays all over the internet

I built a castle to save the economy

I'm not going to have kids to save the economy

Your alternatives to democracy

Week 6: Examples of Pitches

Can we create a wise & enlightened citizenry?

Could AI make us wise?

Week 5: Write one (pitchable) think piece

The unbearable necessity of being online

Please come up with wildly speculative futures

The future according to artists

Week 4: One pitch several places

I'd like to open a Singapore franchise please?

A request for better world superpowers

Idea Labs! An open thread for collaborative worldbuilding

Week 3: The dream pitch

What if government worked like Wikipedia?

Too much democracy is a problem

A better way to vote?

Week 2: Cross-promote one another

What if NATO became a world government?

Decouple federal government from nation-states

Designing the future in Lathe of Heaven

Week 1: Your assignments for the challenge

Writing Prompt: Come up with an alternative to democracy

Humans are good (except for that one guy)

Welcome! A quick prerequisite before we get going

Grow your influence on Substack (a workshop!)

I'm hosting four literary salons this year

I watched the Super Bowl because of Taylor Swift

The best of solarpunk architecture

Wakanda isn't an ideal utopia for Africa

I Don't Want to Grow Up

Symposium: Pro-Growth Environmentalism

Maybe women should design our sci-fi future

Should we turn the whole world into democracies?

Yes, we still need the military

Why I’m not a free market capitalist

The rich are not causing the poor

TikTok as modern art museum

Where do we find paradise?

We need to get rid of politicians

In pursuit of a masterpiece

Symposium: How to imagine better futures

We should remove electives from higher education

How do we stop fighting on the internet?

Bring back the "Renaissance Man"

All of the humanist texts I'm studying

What is the future of church?

Humanism as the future of religion