Love the cover! Is this your own design?

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Hi Elle -- congratulations on your accomplishment! I've been following your insights on publishing and weighing whether or not a serial or a traditionally published book is the better option.

I've been wondering over the order of how one proceeds with the work once it is finished.

My question is, once you've finished publishing a serialized novel, do you make it available for free to people to read, or leave on the $X per month subscription to read the whole thing, even though the work is no longer coming out in weekly installments?

How do you generate further interest in the book once it is finished and no longer "publishing live" so to speak, to further generate revenue? Call it my planner self, but I wonder at how to accomplish these things...

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Congratulations! What a great accomplishment.

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Hooray! I love how you approached this.

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Just preordered the ebook. How exciting!

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Congratulations, and I agree with everyone else that the collectors edition is stunning and classic. I am glad your book is finally out there in the world.

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Congratulations, Elle!! I’m so happy for you. Your book looks gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your journey! You’ve been very inspiring.

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Good work!

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That collectors edition is GORGEOUS!!

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Congrats on the novel, please put me on list for hard copy. It looks beautiful!

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Congrats on your success! I'm pretty new to Substack so late to the Obscurity party, but your insights regarding the publishing industry are invaluable. They've certainly informed the way I think about commercializing (or attempting to commercialize) my own fiction writing. Looking forward to seeing what you do next!

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Congratulations! The book looks great and I wish you success with it. I'm also experimenting with serializing my historical novel here on Substack, and hope to publish a print edition at the end. I appreciate your willingness to share your publication process. I look forward to reading more :-)

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Congratulations, Elle!

It is a beautiful cover!!

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Purchased my kindle copy! So excited for the release. Thank you so much for documenting your journey and inspiring so many of us. Just the beginning!

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congrats!… and a question about your substack serialization experience what did you find to be the best word count for a chapter? did you receive feedback along the way as to what is ‘too short’ and what’s ‘too long?’… thanks!

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Congrats Elisabeth! Can’t wait to read my collectors edition! Is it coming soon? I’m so proud of you. ❤️

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